Friday, February 03, 2012

Daftar Lowongan SMK D3 & S1 2012 | PT Petrokimia Kayaku

PT Petrokimia Kayaku is a leading pesticide manufacturer in Indonesia. Join venture of PT Petrokimia Gresik (Persero) from Indonesia with Mitsubishi Corporation and Nippon Kayaku Co.. Ltd. of Japan which its use was first inaugurated on July 30, 1977 by Indonesia Minister of Industry, M Joesoef. The company can produce various kinds of pesticide formulations, such as emulsifiable concentrate, soluble liquid, granules, powder, suspension concentrate and ready-made baits.

Types of products that have been produced are insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, rodenticides, akarisida, molluscicides, fumigant, growth regulators, surfactants, termitisida, attractants, complementary liquid fertilizer, biological fertilizer, decomposers, probiotic fish and livestock.

1. S1 Pertanian Jurusan Proteksi Tanaman
2. S1 Pertanian Jurusan Agrobisnis.
3. S1 Teknik Mesin
4. S1 Teknik Kimia
5. S1 Hukum Jurusan Perdata
6. D3 Biologi
7. D3 Sekretaris
8. D3 Teknik Mesin (Drafter)
9. D3 Akuntansi
10. D3 Manajemen
11. SMK Analis Kimia

With the following requirements:
1. 1 s / d 11 Male, except No.7 female
2. No. 1 s / d 11 preferably from Universities / Colleges / SMK.
3. No. 1 s / d 10 preferred GPA min 3.00
4. Age of January 31, 2012: No. 1 s / d 4 max 27 years, No. 5 max 30 years, No. 6 s / d 10 max 25 years, and No. 11 max 21 years old.
5. For No.. 5, minimum 2 years experience in the field.
6. 1 s / d 11 can operate Ms Office Program, E-mail & Internet.
7. No. 1 s / d 10 preferably fluent in English

Applications submitted later than 10 February 2012:

- By mail to PO BOX 107 Gresik (postmark) telp: 0313981815 ext 265
- Via email to

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