Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Banking Jobs Vacancy, Lowongan D3 S1 Akuntansi bank Windu Kentjana


Private National Bank foreign exchange that are expanding in Indonesia give opportunity to young professionals who have high motivation to follow:

Officer Development Program (ODP)

1. Maximal 27 years old, a interesting.
2. Passed D3 Accounting / Banking or S1 in all fields of study with a GPA at least 2.75, preferably from reputable university.
3. Preferably have a marketing skill with target oriented on the results.
4. Have a high motivation to learn and progress, able to communicate and work well, and have leadership ability.
5. Willing to be placed in all area offices of Bank Windu in Indonesia.
6. Passed all stages of selection.

Send Mail Applications, CV and Photo to:

HRD Department
Jakarta Selatan 12083

put code position on the top left corner of envelope

Untuk Berlangganan Info Lowongan Kerja Tiap hari, Masukkan Alamat Email Anda di sini:

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