Thursday, April 26, 2007

Karir Kerja sebagai sekretaris di Bank Ekonomi

Job Career Vacancy opportunity (Informasi Lowongan Lamaran Peluang kerja karir pekerjaan terbaru):

PT Bank Ekonomi, adalah sebuah Bank Devisa Nasional, yang telah berdiri kokoh sejak tahun 1990 serta telah memperluas jaringan bisnisnya dengan membuka cabang-cabang di kota-kota besar di Indonesia dan masih akan terus ekspansi secara agresif dan matang. PT Bank Ekonomi dinyatakan sebagai Bank Rating A (Kategori SEHAT) oleh BI selaku bank sentral. Kami mengundang kandidat-kandidat yang ambisius, berorientasi pada kualitas dan pelayanan pelanggan untuk tumbuh dan berkembang sebagai :

Secretary To BOD

To ensure all secretarial and administration duty in BOD are well organized


* Female, 25-30 years old

* Min. D3 majoring in Secretary from reputable university

* Min. 3 years experience as a Secretary

* Fluent in English both oral and written

* Computer literate (Ms. Office)

* Excellent in secretarial and administration duty

* Organized type and trustworthy

* Excellent interpersonal and Communication Skill

Please send your COMPLETE RESUME and PHOTOGRAPH to :

Untuk Berlangganan Info Lowongan Kerja Tiap hari, Masukkan Alamat Email Anda di sini:

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Finding The first Job

In the current job market where unemployment rate is high, fresh graduates and school leavers should be realistic in their search for jobs. They should not have high hope in getting the 'right' job at their first attempt, but should aim to gain worthwhile experience from their first job. Indeed, the chances of finding the 'right' job at the first time are small, unless for graduates whose qualifications decide specifically what kind of job they are going to do after graduation. In the real work life, we see many people change their jobs several times particularly during the early part of their career. Read More....

Several Steps To Get New Job

In this Writing, we will explain about several steps to get new jobs. We think during find a new job we must prepare our performance as good as possible. It will help ourselves easy to get a new jobs. On the face of it, getting a new job appears to be a straightforward affair: Just look for job opportunities in the newspapers or on the Internet, prepare resumes, send applications, appear at interviews and accept job offers. The process is indeed simple; it is not rocket science. Yet, as you probably know, a job search can sometimes extend to painfully long periods of time, going up to months or even years. And when a new job does not come along after repeated attempts, it is common for job seekers to point fingers in various directions. Read More....