Non Formal Pengalaman Kerja
Contoh Membuat Curiculum Vitae - Daftar Riwayat Hidup
Data Pribadi
Nama : Setyarini Rahayu
Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : Surabaya, 06 Nopember 1982
Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan
Status Pernikahan : Single
Agama : Katholik
Kewarganegaraan : Indonesia
Alamat : Jl. Kebagusan III/20
Pal Merah, Jakarta Selatan 12220
Telephon : 021-7665239 (rumah)
021-5249972 (kantor)
0812-590590 (HP)
Latarbelakang Pendidikan
1991 – 1994 : SMP 624, Jakarta
1994 – 1997 : SMEA 804 Jakarta
1997 – 2001 : Yayasan Administrasi Indonesia (YAI), Jakarta
1994 – 1996 : Kursus Komputer di Bina Informatika Nusantara, Jakarta
1996 – 1997 : Kursus Bahasa Inggris di Berlitz English, Jakarta
2003 – 2003 : Kursus Pajak (Brevet A & B)
1. Praktek Kerja Lapangan:
Praktek Kerja di PT. ARJUNA CARGO, Jakarta
Periode: April 1997 - June 1997
Tujuan : Persyaratan kelulusan SMEA 804 Jakarta
Posisi : Operator Administrasi
Rincian Pekerjaan: - Mengupdate data konsumen
- Mengatur jadwal pertemuan dengan konsumen
- Menyiapkan surat-surat pernawaran untuk konsumen
- Menyiapkan tagihan
2. Bekerja di PT. SAMUDRA SEDAYA CARGO, Jakarta
Periode: Januari 2002 - Mei 2005
Status : Karyawan Tetap
Posisi : Staf bagian Finance
Rincian pekerjaan : - Mengelola kas kecil
- Melakukan surat menyurat bisnis
- Mengontrol persediaan peralatan kantor
- Menerbitkan dan menerima faktur dari pemasok
- Penggajian (payroll)
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Contoh Pembuatan Daftar Riwayat Hidup
Label: xx-Curiculum Vitae-xx
Finding The first Job
In the current job market where unemployment rate is high, fresh graduates and school leavers should be realistic in their search for jobs. They should not have high hope in getting the 'right' job at their first attempt, but should aim to gain worthwhile experience from their first job. Indeed, the chances of finding the 'right' job at the first time are small, unless for graduates whose qualifications decide specifically what kind of job they are going to do after graduation. In the real work life, we see many people change their jobs several times particularly during the early part of their career. Read More....Several Steps To Get New Job
In this Writing, we will explain about several steps to get new jobs. We think during find a new job we must prepare our performance as good as possible. It will help ourselves easy to get a new jobs. On the face of it, getting a new job appears to be a straightforward affair: Just look for job opportunities in the newspapers or on the Internet, prepare resumes, send applications, appear at interviews and accept job offers. The process is indeed simple; it is not rocket science. Yet, as you probably know, a job search can sometimes extend to painfully long periods of time, going up to months or even years. And when a new job does not come along after repeated attempts, it is common for job seekers to point fingers in various directions. Read More....